This path includes examples of downloading online data from FTP sites and other data stores.
Air data for the entire United States is at your finger tips. AirNow maintains a publicly accessible folder of current air monitoring data at Today’s air quality.
Use the following code to grab the most recent AQI results for the United States.
# Connect to AirNow data site
airnow_link <- paste0("",
format(Sys.time() -60*75, "%Y%m%d%H", tz = "GMT"), #Subtracts one hour from current hour
# Read a "|" delimited file that has no column names (Thanks EPA!)
aqi_now <- read_delim(airnow_link, "|", col_names = F)
# Add column names as a list
names(aqi_now) <- c("date", "time", "aqsid", "city", "local_time", "parameter", "units", "concentration", "agency")
# Filter to Ozone and PM2.5 results
aqi_now <- filter(aqi_now, parameter %in% c("OZONE", "PM2.5"))
# Show table of top concentration results
aqi_now %>% arrange(desc(concentration)) %>% select(-time, -aqsid, -units) %>% head(10)
## # A tibble: 10 x 6
## date city local_time parameter concentration agency
## <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 11/14~ Chico - ~ -8 PM2.5 184 California Air Re~
## 2 11/14~ Beijing 8 PM2.5 179 U.S. Department o~
## 3 11/14~ Arden Arc~ -8 PM2.5 176 Sacramento Metro.~
## 4 11/14~ Elk Grove -8 PM2.5 115 Sacramento Metro.~
## 5 11/14~ Yuba City -8 PM2.5 114 California Air Re~
## 6 11/14~ "Downtown~ -8 PM2.5 109 California Air Re~
## 7 11/14~ Ulaanbaat~ 8 PM2.5 99 U.S. Department o~
## 8 11/14~ Modesto -~ -8 PM2.5 96 California Air Re~
## 9 11/14~ San Rafael -8 PM2.5 85 San Francisco Bay~
## 10 11/14~ Sequoia a~ -8 PM2.5 82.3 National Park Ser~
The air monitoring locations can be accessed from AirNow as well.
# Connect to AirNow data site
airnow_link <- ""
# Read a pipe (|) delimited file
aqi_sites <- read_delim(airnow_link, "|", col_names = F)
# Drop empty columns
aqi_sites <- aqi_sites[ , -c(14:16,22:23)]
# Add column names
names(aqi_sites) <- c("aqsid",
# Drop the parameter column and take *unique* rows
aqi_sites <- aqi_sites %>% select(-parameter) %>% unique()
# Add site locations to monitoring data
aqi_now <- left_join(aqi_now, aqi_sites, by = "aqsid")
# Plot map of sites for PM2.5
filter(aqi_now, parameter == "PM2.5", ! %>%
ggplot(aes(x = long, y = lat)) +
geom_point(aes(color = concentration), size = 3, alpha = 0.6) +
# Filter to Minnesota
aqi_mn <- filter(aqi_now, state == "MN")
# Plot map of sites for PM2.5
filter(aqi_mn, parameter == "PM2.5") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = long, y = lat)) +
geom_point(aes(color = concentration), size = 6, alpha = 0.6) +
geom_label(aes(label = concentration), hjust = 1.4) +
The script below will make a map of the current weather alerts in the Midwest. Hint: You will need to install new packages.
Install the latest version of weatherAlerts with:
## Error in library(weatherAlerts): there is no package called 'weatherAlerts'
## Error in library(weatherAlertAreas): there is no package called 'weatherAlertAreas'
alerts <- getAlerts(includeStates = c("MN", "WI", "ND", "SD", "IA", "MI", "IL", "IN", "OH", "MO", "FL")) # takes about 20 seconds
## Error in getAlerts(includeStates = c("MN", "WI", "ND", "SD", "IA", "MI", : could not find function "getAlerts"
# Save alert severity to a list
severity <- alerts@data$severity
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'alerts' not found
# Assign alerts a color based on severity ranking
colorMap <- c(Minor = "green",
Moderate = "yellow",
Severe = "red",
Extreme = "magenta",
Unknown = "grey")
severityColors <- unname(colorMap[severity])
## Error in unname(colorMap[severity]): object 'severity' not found
leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap) %>%
addPolygons(data = alerts,
fillColor = severityColors,
color = "black", # Border color
weight = 1,
label = ~title)
## Error in filterNULL(list(stroke = stroke, color = color, weight = weight, : object 'severityColors' not found
# Hover for alert information.
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